CEOnote: Taking the dunk
Hello there.
Am elated you stopped by-welcome to our digital abode.
It’s been refreshing to Pause, Reflect, Re-collect, Re-package, & Re-present ourselves & our craft -on this (hopefully) – elegant website.
In a nutshell, it’s been a long time coming- a couple of smooth sails, corporate turmoil, rough roads, hassles, tussles, hurdles, and of course a couple of roadblocks too.
Relentlessly however- we are happy to be taking the dunk- that game-changing shot. -at least internally.

The journey starts in 2012, – as a naïve student of life- that sniffed the potential of entrepreneurship and henceforth became high on ambition, entangled with the underlying desire to simply -create.
It emphatically forms the spine of what we do and NOW, who we are- noma creatives!
In between- we’ve adopted multiple forms, evolved diversely, and experienced a couple of re-brands, – our last eminent form being Tsavo Media Group.
Over the past decade, we’ve worked with multiple brands in diverse sectors, tirelessly committing to give our best where duly needed- duly deserved – and duly appreciated.
Consequently, we’ve registered a couple of scores – ranging from Great-to-Excellent and that has been evident in 4 critical touchpoints: Digital, Design, Publishing & Production solutions to all sorts of brands. Individuals, Businesses, Corporate organizations & Institutions.
Presently, even though we are significantly masters in our craft, our super dynamic industry- demands we remain constant learners – with all the new lessons still geared towards giving you the best in the aforementioned fields.
Overall, 4 strands- Drive, Originality, Passion & Excellence- interweave our D.O.P.E. Operational DNA, Team Spirit & Mentality.
Out goes my sincerest gratitude to all the clients & mates that have made us -be! …and that continue making us noma!
In the meantime, explore what we have in store & depending on your pain-point currently or in the near future, feel free to challenge us.
Stay Dope!

The Chief Executive Officer & noma creatives Team Leader. A Creative Talent, Curator, Writer & Brand Architect. A Career Entrepreneur, Professional Marketer, and a Tech Enthusiast. Casually a Scorpio, a Stoic & a Polymath.